Film Club

For a great night out, drop in to St. Andrew’s Film Club.

We enjoy watching an interesting variety of films that range from old classics to modern releases and documentaries, creating a learning opportunity. Our selections are often thought-provoking and heart-warming, sometimes challenging, and always entertaining.

Anyone is welcome to attend, enjoy the fellowship and friendly atmosphere, and join in on our lively discussion after the film.

To accompany our great movies, we also have fabulous snacks. Film club is hosted by Dennis Hryciuk and Cheryl Edwards and meets in the comfort of the St. James Room at 7:30 p.m. on the first Friday of the month, from September to May.

The name of the upcoming film each month is posted in the church bulletin.

St. Andrews United Church Edmonton - Join Us Sundays
St. Andrews United Church Edmonton - Join Us Sundays
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