Building and Property

The building and property committee keeps the church building and systems (e.g. plumbing, electrical, heating, audio-visual, telephone) in good repair. The work of the committee falls into three categories:

  1. Projects undertaken by members themselves
  2. Contracting and supervising work done by others
  3. Property management associated with tenants

Major accomplishments include:

  • Replacing the church heating system with modern high efficiency equipment (boiler and 6 furnaces) which improved comfort, reliability and control and resulted in a dramatic reduction in annual heating costs
  • Arranging for replacement of deteriorating building elements:
  • Windows in the church and Christian Education buildings
  • Church roof repairs
  • Replacement of the front entrance canopy
  • Upgrading the lighting, sound and projection systems in the sanctuary
  • Installing a Livestream audio / video system
  • And hundreds of small but necessary activities, ranging from replacing light bulbs and unstopping plugged toilets to responding to alarms in the middle of the night

Members meet on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 pm in the inner office. Working on the committee gives members the opportunity to contribute tangibly to maintaining a comfortable, welcoming, affordable church home. We support the life and work of St. Andrew’s, while exercising our interests, talents and abilities in building and fixing things in an atmosphere of camaraderie and fellowship. If this sounds like something you would enjoy, we welcome you to join in the fun!

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